Our Purpose
Connecting people to build inclusive urban climate change resilience

Our Vision
ACCCRN intends to enable poor, marginalized, and otherwise vulnerable people in Asia’s emerging cities, to be included and supported in the systems and processes driving urbanization and emerging resilience- building measures. By doing so, it will reduce current trends of inequity in cities across Asia and give marginalized communities an increasingly prominent voice in their cities’ future.

Our Impact
We seek the enhancement of the resilience and capacity of cities, the landscapes they rely on and affect, in relation to current and future climate risks, and, through this work, the improvement of the lives of poor and vulnerable people.

Our Value
We deliver our value through Amplifying the local voices, Facilitating collaboration among practitioners, Supporting local/community initiatives for resilience, and Connecting practitioners, community, government officials, and the private sector to join hands in building urban resilience. 

Achieving our purpose and value

ACCCRN believes that strengthening UCCR needs to occur locally in partnership with vulnerable communities in urban areas and take place within the community itself. However, most of this work is not then shared regionally or nationally, which discourages replication, and scale-up. The ACCCRN Regional Network works to amplify the benefits and successes of local initiatives nationally and regionally, making it possible for other practitioners to learn from existing initiatives, replicate or scale up best practices, and use prior experiences as case studies for evidence-based advocacy. Through this work, ACCCRN believes that having a solid shared-vision across the region will be crucial for influencing the urban climate change resilience agenda, thus ACCCRN functions as a platform to identify the shared-vision and amplify common causes to support climate change resilience mainstreaming.

ACCCRN believes that building urban climate change resilience requires partnerships among different institutions and experts. ACCCRN provides a platform where members can find other members easily and be connected to one another through events that ACCCRN facilitates. Collaboration among members will become a powerful force for advocating for urban climate change resilience agenda regionally and nationally. 

ACCCRN will work with practitioners to support local or community-based climate change resilience actions by providing platforms to access resources, expertise, and funding to enable this initiative to be sustainable, replicable, and scalable.

The ACCCRN Regional Network will enable practitioners to have discussions initiate collaborative actions, and jointly advocate on specific topics such as water resources and linkages between urbanization and ecosystem. Among many other channels, ACCCRN will accomplish this work through a number of different working groups.