By 2050, the United Nations predicts 64% of Asia’s population will live in urban settings. In Asia’s cities, poor populations struggling to improve their lives are often the most vulnerable to increasingly complex and systemic challenges as diverse as climate change, conflict, land degradation, market failure, food prices shocks, and inadequate access to social services. Given the pace, scale, and complexity of urbanization, ACCCRN focuses on building resilience in vulnerable urban communities, supporting them in learning, coping, adapting, and transforming in the face of shocks and stresses.

To highlight the importance of working cross-border and within the peri-urban and rural areas to build inclusive urban resilience, the ACCCRN secretariat is proposing to organizing a panel discussion that will focus on three distinct cross-border coordination approaches implemented by the Institute for Social and Environmental Transition International (ISET), Lutheran World Relief (LWR) and Mercy Corps through the Global Resilience Partnership Water Window Challenge and OXFAM, and peri urban-urban ecosystem approach by Gorakhpur Environment Action Group (GEAG). The session aims to provide a valuable set of knowledge and experience to help achieve sustainable Urban Climate Change Resilience through collaborative trans-boundary action.

World Urban Forum - Networking Session

Tuesdat, February 13th 2018, 09:00 - 11:00 am 

Room 304


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