
Saengroaj: Resilience is a Long-term Planning Exercise Involving All Stakeholders

ACCCRN Champion Author: Farraz Theda

“Bangkok is a fascinating city.” Saengroaj opened up the conversation. He was born and grew up in Thonburi, the old capital of Thailand, which is located on the western side of the current capital Bangkok. He spent most of his childhood and youth, from primary school to college, in Bangkok.

Can Governments Keep Their People Safe as Global Temperatures Rise?

Takeaways Author: Alex Whiting

While we are working to keep global temperatures to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the progress on meeting climate "adaptation" goal is still difficult to assess. As one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change, Bangladesh began early helping its people adapt to rising seas and increasing floods and storms. About seven years ago the government set up a climate fund, and deposited $100 million a year.

Shifting to the New Approaches in Building Climate Resilience

Member Interview Author: Farraz Theda

This month, Jorge Carrillo Rodriguez an independent researcher and former member of United Nations who has more than 30 years of experience in social development and poverty reduction shared his view about the potential for new governance arrangements for effective urban climate change resilience.

The Urgency to Unearth Creative Ways to Finance Resilience

Member Interview Author: Farraz Theda

A report released by the World Bank in 2016 stated that, each year, urban areas are growing by an average of more than 75 million people – which is a number greater than the population of the world’s 85 smallest countries combined. However, cities and urban dwellers have received too little attention in discussions about climate change impacts and adaptation, especially in relation to financing. It is apparent that the current levels of international funding are insufficient to meet current and future adaptation needs.

Financing Strategy for a Climate-Resilient Indonesia

Opinion Author: Sri Mulyani Indrawati

Last week at the side line of the UN General Assembly, I spoke with business leaders at the Bloomberg Forum to underscore Indonesia’s commitment to its climate-resilient future. As Finance Minister, the climate financing aspect of this development challenge is within my purview and something I am deeply passionate about.