
COP 22 week 1 roundup: What happened with regards to adaptation and resilience?

Takeaways Author: Will Bugler

The goal of COP 22 is to to consolidate the gains made in Paris and begin to prepare a strategy for implementing the targets agreed to in Paris last year. So how did the first week of negotiations unfold? And what were the developments when it came to key issues that affect climate change adaptation and resilience?

IIED’s key outcomes from Habitat III

Takeaways Author: Nyoman Prayoga, IIED

Habitat III is shorthand for a major global summit, formally known as the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, which was held recently in Quito, Ecuador, on 17-20 October 2016. IIED realized that Habitat III is a very important opportunity to focus the world’s attention on cities and urban areas.

Decoding Urban Climate Change Resilience

Indian cities are increasingly witnessing the impact of Climate Change. It is apparent that extreme events such as droughts and cyclones will become more frequent. In this scenario, what can cities do to build resilience to climate change impacts.

Reflection from Bonn, en route to the action-oriented COP 22 in Marrakech

Takeaways Author: Denia Syam

A few months after COP 21, the Parties gathered in Bonn in what were the first climate talks since Paris. The Bonn climate talks were the place to prove whether we could maintain the spirit of collaboration and compromise, which successfully laid an essential foundation for the complex yet delicately crafted balance of the historical landmark that the Paris Agreement represented.